Saturday, October 5, 2024

Ukraine TACTICAL white flag?

 If Vladimir Putin IS HITLER for our time PLUS NUCLEAR WEAPONS than perhaps for ALL CONCERNED Ukraine and the West need to wave the surrender flag UNTIL LITTLE LOONY PUTIN DIES and appears to save face .  After which there may be a possibility of resuming a rebellion and war of independence  similar to America's  Or the Vietnam & the Korean "pauses".  

It's what the Chinese communists termed "Tactical Flexibility" in both their civil war and later in Deng Xiao Peng's capitalistic economic reforms which made possible the great military and economic power China wields today!  

Let nutty Vlad take some more land or the eastern half of devastated Ukraine as in formerly divided Germany in exchange for the illusion of "victory" then watch if he quiets down .... or makes a move on Europe later? 

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