Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Great Replacement Now?

 The so called GREAT Replacement of the White race by the "colored" races around the world is a major motivation behind the Trump administration priority of mass deportation in 2025.  

Yet one of the biggest non-white groups replacing Caucasians in the United States is not Mexicans, Jews or Blacks but Hindu or East Indians and one place they are VISIBLY taking over is in TRUMP'S cabinet, the media and US government agencies! 

Donald Trump is ok with brown skinned immigrants getting important positions in his government IF they speak English well and are very wealthy!  

So actually Trump's war on foreign people of color is really an economic CLASS war.  

Which turns the xenophobic race war of many Trump supporters on its head because it's obvious that Trump IS FINE with this "replacement" so long as the "replacers" .....

1)Swear close loyalty to him!  

2) Are Republicans who donate lots of $$$ to The GOP Party. 

3) Pour into America with tons of money and remain members of the upper or ruling class! 

So White America GET USED TO being replaced en mass by brown skinned people with funny Hari Krishna type names & religions in fields like medicine, electronic media, politics and engineering!   

And forget your tiki torch marches.

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