Monday, December 9, 2024


 Syria will be lucky if the people's army of HTS remains an enlightened Muslim regime by setting up a federal , rules based constitution INSTEAD OF THE TALIBAN BABOONS strangling Afghanistan's entire population. 

Many Syrians are nervous because,as most adults know, so often after the collective euphoria of a revolution then the victors, drunk with sudden power, become the new oppressors rather than the liberators.   

Examples of this abound: 

Nicaragua (Ortega once liberator now new Somoza dictator)

Afghanistan (ignorant, brutal, liars)

USA (after independence the colonial ruler Britain tried to make a comeback by force)  And slavery continued.

North Korea (Kim family feudal dynasty hijacks Soviet communism)

CHINA PRC (Rebel leader Mao becomes power crazed dictator killing millions) 

Syria ASSAD II (Young bourgeois son of former ruler continues father's feudal family dynasty with no enlightened reforms)

Haiti ( One time slave colony of France overthrows colonial masters but gradually devolves into feudal dictatorships and now savage anarchy with foreign weapons)

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