Wednesday, December 11, 2024

HTS should follow China's liberation Victory model!

 After the dictator Chaing Kai Shek escaped from mainland China as Communist PLA forces took  control of Peking (Beijing) & Nanjing (KMT)s  Southern capital much popular anger at the US backed dictator's gangster regime had built up among the  citizens .  

So one of the earliest actions of Mao Ze dong and the Red army was to arrest KMT police, warlords and crime bosses and put them on PUBLIC TRIALS in sports stadiums with their crimes on signs around their necks.  After which they were forced to kneel with heads down and many executed by firing squads as masses of people watched with pleasure!  

China could help HTS reorganize Syria so it does not become a duplicate of Libya or Haiti - a permanently FAILED state post liberation!

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