Monday, November 18, 2024

Trump immigration policy just propaganda.

 Trump's quick n easy , out of sight out of mind deportation plans are actually just propaganda because implementation will NOT BE quick, easy or out of sight.  

The practical effect will be negative economic growth on one side and enormous public expenditures at federal and state levels on the other. Causing the federal deficit to balloon rather than shrink! 

Yes it will probably help reduce crime and gang activity some but at what costs and over how long.   

If repeat border trespassers are all jailed for a decade then establishment of a Soviet style supermax archipelago will be needed and financed by federal taxes!  This will certainly INCREASE INFLATION not lower it!! 

  Use of military personnel for this pet project will actually bloat the bureaucracy as well as make our troops unavailable for more important things like natural disaster recovery (an ever increasing problem) and possible wartime readiness if suddenly called upon anywhere!   Will Trump, a draft avoider himself, be forced to restart compulsory military service (selective service) due to our forces stretched to thin?

 But Donald world doesn't care since remember his only goals for being President is to ESCAPE from prosecution , be popular and enrich his friends. 

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