Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 If so few as 21% of Americans polled believe the American federal system is strong enough to defeat an authoritarian power grab like January sixth when it happens again (when, NOT if, due to views publicly stated by today's GOP). 

Then the violent assassination attempt on Candidate Trump recently CAN and SHOULD "happen again" because the fact that our legal system is so confused that it permits a person of status to be charged with felonies and never face restrictions on their freedom. 

Or be prevented from qualifying for elected federal offices shows we now have a legal system dependent SOLELY ON AN INDIVIDUAL'S Sense OF SHAME, strength of character and PERSONAL MORALS! 

 And in a case where those three points are shoved aside by a ham fisted emotional need for ego gratification and power above all else.

 Then letting world history be our guide, ASSASSINATION (or non-lethal disabling injury)BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY is justifiable and serves the best interests of the American public and the preservation of the American constitution to which most of us pledged allegiance. 

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