Sunday, September 15, 2024


 Well Donald Trump's big, ugly mouth got him MORE ATTENTION again from ANOTHER proud AR-15 owner! 

Unfortunately for the world the shooter was just an amateur assassin with poor planning and poor aim!  

But calling PA Governor Shapiro an "overrated JEWISH man" was an open provocation in Florida where there are lots of Jews and militant Zionists .... And in America where Assault Rifle 15s are as commonly owned as Smart phones. 

But there is NOTHING Trump thrives on more than PUBLICITY , AND ATTENTION GETTING STATEMENTS!!

And sense NOTHING legal can stop him from running for president of the USA so he has a bigger MEGAPHONE TO INSULT people and countries with than ASSASSINATION IS OUR ONLY METHOD. 

We just need another Lee Oswald (and "Deep state" helpers) to get the job done right. 

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