Friday, October 16, 2015

DO MOST SCHOOL SHOOTERS HAVE KLIENFELTER SYNDROME ? Could early, mass treatment be smart way to prevent these copy cat crimes?

I have recently noticed that the symptoms of Klienfelter Syndrome and the young males afflicted with it bear some resemblance to many of the WHITE MALES who are gunning their way through schools, colleges, movie theaters and other popular public gathering places.  

Possibly, like the 1950's Polio epidemic, K.S. needs to become a major focus of public health services throughout the United States so that more afflicted male teens can be diagnosed (DNA) and corrected as a systematic tactical approach to curbing the mass shooting epidemic rather than continue wrestling with the pro-gun lobby's twisted legal logic which bogs down every political effort at taking guns off our streets and cul-de-sacs.  

Is it possible that the majority of emotionally disturbed white male teens are afflicted with this disorder and can be expected to follow violent entertainment and pop culture cues, obtain easy to get firearms and go on rampages in order to vent their many pubescent frustrations.  

Could this be part of an explanation of why mass shootings are so frequently committed by WHITE males rather than Black, Hispanic or Asian males in the same age and socio-economic conditions? 

 Is K.S. more of a "white thang" than in more athletically and sexually developed males of color who're also from 'collective' cultures and who's gun violence is typically one to one?  

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