Tuesday, November 17, 2015


THOSE "DOTS" needing to be "connected" are rather simple.   IT'S TIME TO RECOLONIZE YOUR FORMER "COLONIES" in the Middle East, Latin America and Africa which have become CHRONIC FAILED-STATES! 

1) Any "nation" which is sending waves of migrants or refugees out and over your borders IS INVADING YOUR SOVEREIGNTY and has in effect DECLARED WAR on you.  

2) If they are INVADING YOU then YOU NEED TO TURN THE FAVOR AROUND and INVADE AND OCCUPY this or these so called "nations". 

3) The purpose of RE-INVADING and OCCUPYING failed states is two fold.  1) You begin to re-establish functioning government in this or these countries which will be actually WELCOMED BY MOST OF IT'S RESIDENTS so long as the NEW REGIME is DONE CORRECTLY to the benefit MOST of the people in that state and remains STABLE.  2) Re-establishing a colonial government in a failed state will PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO MANY OF YOUR "IDLE, RESTLESS, European YOUTH (and some senior citizens as well) !   Besides army and police forces needed to enforce stability and functioning economics the now "former failed-state" will NEED NEW BUSINESSES and NEW INFRASTRUCTURES in order to fully function for the benefit of it's newly returning (former, recent) migrants and refugees!  

 These re-development activities will need all that youthful energy and expertise from the "old" country to the "new" as well as the patience and political experience of your retired and senior citizen population now possibly idle and feeling still able to contribute to society!  

SO GO AHEAD ATTACK SYRIA, DISPOSE OF THE LUNY ASS_AD REGIME,  EXTERMINATE  ISIS (or Convert most of it's members to other religions such as Christianity) AND REPLACE BOTH WITH AUTHORITARIAN DEMOCRACY as was the rule in many former functioning colonies!  "Authoritarian" YES because most of these now failed states particularly in the Mid-East are only ACCUSTOMED TO DICTATORSHIPS 

WHY ELSE IS "ISIS" RULE SPREADING so rapidly.  Because those citizens yearn for SOMEBODY to take the wheel and LEAD by ANY means necessary !! 

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