Saturday, February 8, 2025

World try to ignore Trump Talk

 The international media should try to habitually ignore President Trump's latest Shock Talk BUT also prepare for possible military action! 

Such as the hinted US take over of the Gaza strip (Federal budget can't afford the project , Billionaire Musk won't offer a single dollar)

Such as America "absorbing" Canada or Greenland for their mineral deposits.  (Federal budget couldn't afford it, Musk won't donate any money, US military might revolt?)

Such as the threat to take back the Panama canal. 

 If threat continues Russia should reciprocate by declaring its right to recover the ALASKA TERRITORY (that its czar sold to the US government!) 

Or use hypersonic missiles against US NAVY if necessary! 

The Trump "cultural revolution" takeover of the US government now continuing is mostly illegal domestically and internationally and eventually will be stopped as the same was in China in 1976!

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