Friday, February 21, 2025

US dreams, world moves on.

 In Trump World things were SO much better without the war in Ukraine (inflation and federal spending were low) so President Trump is making his day dreaming a policy reality.  

We can't openly blame Russia for starting the Ukraine war because Russia won't budge so we blame Zelensky for NOT accepting Russia's "embrace", label him a "dictator" and dream he will be overthrown by his public removing our annoying reality! 

 In actuality, Trump's denouncement of Zelensky has made him a national HERO and European leaders are gently trying to ignore America and the Trump dreamer administration all over again! 

In the America's Trump has tried to return to the US Imperialist treatment of its smaller neighbors to force them to kick China out and accept plane loads of our deportees.  In reaction several Countries are strengthening their BRI involvement (US policy reverses every 4 years, China's doesn't!) .  

Far from forcefully returning thousands of its deportees, The Administration is now having to PAY Panamanian hotels to house them there indefinitely (rather than lose face bringing them back to US detention centers!)  

Back home, Trump world continues to dream of magically reducing federal spending using only the imaginary Dept of Douche & chief Brown noser Elon's magic wand 

(Rather than strengthening the hands of the many Embedded INSPECTOR GENERALS in agencies who actually know what they're doing!) 

All together Trump world II can be summed up as a political party turbo- fueled by anger and the frustration of having few original ideas except to keep the economic classes far apart, struggling to LOOK BUSY and EFFECTIVE (like it has something to do) to justify all the tax dollars it's public spent to send it to Washington DC in the first place. 

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