Thursday, April 11, 2024

Japanese & USA re-coupling QUIETLY?

 Japan's tight lips about helping to defend Taiwan is smart tactics because the secret possibility gives China pause with it's aggression. 

 But it also could IGNITE CHINESE MASS POPULAR OUTRAGE if Beijing can portray Japan as renewing its ugly invasion of Mainland China in the 1930s and it's intervention in China's civil war between the KMT and the CPC! 

It should be remembered that Communist leader & PRC founder Mao Tse Tung a hardened former guerrilla fighter in China's revolution is quoted as "Thanking Japan for its (sadistic) invasion of China because popular resistance against Japanese aggression MADE POSSIBLE THE VICTORY OF COMMUNISM!! " 

So if Civil war between Beijing and Taipei breaks out again and Japan were to intervene to keep Taiwan independent Beijing would announce to the Chinese public & the PLA that the PRC was under attack from Japanese and U.S. Imperialism just as it was BEFORE 1949 !    

This would throw the ENTIRE WEIGHT OF PRC (and possible N.Korean & Russian?) forces against the West having UNTOLD CONSEQUENCES for the whole planet (and US civil society)!!

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