Thursday, April 23, 2015

HIGH POINT, NC affordable housing? Why not USE THOSE SEA CANS for low-cost housing?

Conservatives in High Point bemoan the "waste" of taxpayer dollars for subsidizing public-private housing.  At the same time an architect's suggested use of "SEA CANS" to creatively redevelop some parts of the downtown was roundly booed  right OUT of town.   Considering that this same city was historically proud of it's grimy, industrial, free market culture (and landscape) MUCH of which remains visible to this day but which the cultural/political elite prefers to paper over whenever possible, it's somewhat hypocritical when this city is also a major center of design at it's biannual International Home Furnishings Market to so energetically oppose any public architecture  which is "unconventional" or visually controversial (read; Un-Suburban)

THIS is what HIGH POINT NEEDS to find it's "soul" and be seen as a progressive GROWING , city which doesn't fear CHANGE!

SHIPPING CONTAINERS parade into the downtown twice a year it's where the "INTERNATIONAL" in International Home Furnishings Market  comes from!  Get the idea?  A stack of "sea cans" (used in ARCHITECTURE and Interior Design as well) is directly symbolic of this city's brand motto !! 

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