Wednesday, October 22, 2014

EBOLA is God's punishment or collective Karma against Africa for it's addiction to war and chaos.

Stopping, ENTIRELY the scourge  of  Ebola in Africa will probably prove to be impossible as it is spreading too fast and the international community's available resources are stretched out too far already.

Besides why should the rest of the world bend over backwards to clean up the mess that is mostly Africa's fault in the first place?  Was Africa not also the land which gave the world AIDS & HIV? That mess they made is STILL taxing the world's people and economic resources and now thanks to those nations love of WAR TOYS, violence, self indulgence, corruption and poor governance, they have bred yet another ingenious biological scourge which this time may succeed at "accomplishing" what HIV/AIDS failed to finish doing in the 1990's?

  That is by so totally decimating the human populations of many African "nations" that the value of a human life might actually RISE due to the very scarcity of the humanity remaining on the continent (or in the world at large!)   This new "value" on human life just might result in smaller societies where recreational warfare is no longer acceptable (or even possible?)  Where monogamy and sexual relations become disciplined and medical procedures more intelligent and effective on wider scales?    
The likely message brought to us by Ebola might just be that the continent from which the human race began will now be the continent where the human race's existence ceased - and it's extinction "began"??  

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