Wednesday, August 13, 2014


It's surely proof of how SLOW and POOR life in the American South is and was that so many of North Carolina's streets and roadways are broken up into numerous UNRELATED segments yet STILL have THE SAME NAMES or numbers with absolutely NO differentiation/s to make navigation easier, quicker or, as in the case of business vehicles, cheaper.  

A street or avenue broken into two or more non-connected segments but with EXACTLY the same name or number as the other/s is VERY ANNOYING, TIME CONSUMING and GASOLINE WASTING for anyone seeking to visit or do business with any of the individual residential or business addresses located in such a place.

It's HIGH TIME the State of North Carolina DOT or other such body having jurisdiction over public roadways PUT AN END to this antiquated and stupid practice by making it ILLEGAL!    

Disconnected roadways with the same name/s must be forced to change to make a geographical difference such as  EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH, CENTRAL, etc. added to the street segment name/s OR simply change the name/number entirely so it is distinct from the other segment/s.

So sorry Anti-Belem Dixie but your CITIZENS of TODAY consider time as money and gasoline as allot more money than time !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forget to mention Greensboro's moronic practice of giving the very same segment of road two names, compete with two competing street signs. There are portions of Hobbs Road that also have signs identifying it as Tanger Rd. How stupid is that?