Monday, November 4, 2013


for "FIXING NC" ! 

 Persecute the poor, penniless elderly and disabled and drive them OUT of the state - just like Fascist President Jackson's Gestapo drove out the CherokeeMuscogee (Creek),SeminoleChickasaw, and Choctaw Indians in 1831  

Historically, maintaining a large population of poor and illiterate people in North Carolina was considered desirable by the ruling class since they were "needed" to labor in the state's mills, plantations and farms at low wages (or for free) to make the ruling class very wealthy and also to be used as cannon fodder in the state's US military installations.   

However in today's North Carolina economy, the traditional labor intensive mills and factories of yesteryear have mostly moved overseas, the farms are mechanized and the US Army is downsizing.  Except for the lowly paid service sector, North Carolina no longer has any need for low skilled, low or uneducated people in it's "modern" labor force in general, and if such a population were to be suddenly needed again, then the ruling-class's churches would be instructed to import large numbers of foreign refugees for political asylum (or "green light" undocumented migrants)  

 The continued presence of this low skilled/low educated  population is seen by the Corporate ruling class of today (this is whom installed The McCrory administration and whom it is exclusively beholden to) as a burden on society rather than a workhorse' for it as was before.  Republicans and Tea Partyers in particular view these sorry people as useless takers of welfare, food stamps, public school, public housing, medicaid and prison-stuffers etc who "do nothing" for this state except drag it down and keep it inefficient .   

Paradoxically, in the 1990's the NC ruling class WOULD TAKE ANYBODY into the state who could stand to live here! (including Yankees) and tolerate the pervasive "boredom-by-design" of it's "cities", the backward, dangerous, low paying jobs, the antiquated factories, the segregated, (customary of course) two race-only, cliquey schools,offices,  lifeless "reservation only" so-called "public" parks and so on.   Every year, without exception, the state lost more population than it gained and therefore a great many jobs simply could NOT be filled !!  

NOWADAYS this picture has been upturned and that program has been radically reversed! 

So if you're poor, under skilled and in need of public assistance of any kind, 
The McCroryNazis message  TO YOU IS (FINAL SOLUTION). . . " PUH-LEEZE  YA'LL"  . . . . GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE  - BEFORE WE - STARVE YOU OUT!! . . . . or maybe even . . .  MARCH YOU OUT . . .right behind the Yankees, Mexicans & "Injuns"! 

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