Monday, November 4, 2013


OH-MAMA! Care  aka 
"The UN-AFFORDABLE CARE ACT", what a joke on The U.S.A., what a gov't  - hahaha.    . . . FOOLS ALL

Well ..... I used to be one of those wait and see, tentative supporters of Obama Care, hoping that some organized, centralized, management of national healthcare would be good for me as I pass middle age.  But instead I've been "evicted" from my perfectly, reasonable HSA , blue Cross plan with an "affordable" $150.00 monthly premium (I'm unemployed = too low caste for the middle-class ONLY welfare program "subsidies" scam and yet have some REMAINING savings making me too "WEALTHY" for medicaid (Also I live in NC under the Newly Installed McCroryNazi Fascist regime) . 

So now, like many similarly unimportant, Americans I have the "Market Place" choice of an absurdly expensive, pay-out-my-asshole, "Obama-Quality", bundled(as in cable-TV) BRONZE plan - or NADA  hahaha.  

Well since I'm NOT HAPPY with my "options" for next year, I'm going to conduct a my own CBA or 'Cost Benefit Analysis' of my soon to be "Self-authorized" health care options 1) TO BE "INSURED" and extorted by the capitalist insurance market  . . .  or 2) TO BE UNinsured and extorted by the local health system??   and   

3) To "Self-Subsidize" my healthcare "plan" - by NOT FILING INCOME TAXES AT ALL - next year!!   (actually I'm not required to since I've been jobless for whole year = Instant rebate on wasted "tax preparer's fee ;)   

HOWEVER I'M Here by ENCOURAGING all of you in the "SCREWED-AMERICANS-CLASS or "Caste" to do likewise and - - -  JUST SAY NO.  


NO to INCOME TAX FILING" either.  

IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY!   Because a government that's non-functioning doesn't deserve any of our cash donations. 

It would an unconscionable a waste of money to flush it down the DumoCrat-StuPublican Sh_t hole !  

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