I'm thinking lately that the "GOV'T BREAKDOWN" is actually a vast right wing conspiracy of international proportions. It's "international" because it is a JOINT EFFORT by the STUPUBLICANS, THE TEA PARTY and THE TALIBAN but chiefly it's the latter two. The "TT" is a fraternal team determined to fight for the noble cause of bringing the WORLD back to the MIDDLE AGES (or the stone age?) A time when moral values, faith in god and economic forces were all "perfect".
THE TEA PARTY/TALIBAN alliance is gradually succeeding in it's mission. It's campaign to so badly disrupt governance of The United States of America that "The Great Satan" as Iran calls us, is getting ever closer to becoming a world-class failed state, sort of like Haiti but somewhat larger.
The rich and super-rich will have everything the way they want it and need it via their own resources without ANYONE telling them what to do. The poor (the middle class - will have already become extinct) can "go eat cake" or as in Haiti, they can go eat "sand cookies" (1 part cooking oil - 1 part SAND, mud or any old dirt available) Then if the poor dare to rise-up they will be massacred by Pinkerton style "contractors" - those still living will be sucked up into the Prison-Industrial-Complex never to be heard from again..
SEQUESTRATION-GOV'T BREAKDOWN-DEFAULT, It's ALL POSSIBLE and very PROBABLE with the country beholden to a THE TEA PARTY-TALIBAN, a horde of feuding neanderthals who know nothing of the world outside of "theirs" -and care nothing about it either.
ANOTHER PERFECT analogy, may be to that of MAOIST CHINA (TEA-PARTY-TALIBAN-RED GUARDS-KHMER ROUGE etc.) In the 1960's a gang of fanatics very similar to The Tea Party named "The Red Guards", attacked everything and everyone in China if they were the slightest bit productive, educated or worldly wise.
Soon China's central government was in such a mess that the whole country was starving and going crazy. Eventually a political coup of sorts was hatched and the army retook control of the country until a new civilian administration was formed.
Perhaps this is a model of what's to come for us? After all, the US Army's funding has been preserved more or less, so that if the Whackos from Waco make too much chaos - Maybe we'll have to imitate Egypt and rely on the U.S. Military to restore order and justice to this land of OURS ?
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