Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Once again I'm compulsively "connecting-the-dots" .   Majority of Al Shabaab terrorists were volunteers FROM WESTERN REFUGEE HOST nations.  So these "kids" are familiar with American and European shopping malls,  Minneapolis is one of the main host cities for Islamist refugees therefor the attackers were also likely regular visitors to MALL OF AMERICA nearby or nearly a straight "shoot" down the interstate!

Surely a splashy TERROR ATTACK on THIS massive mall would be FAR MORE symbolic than some generic sounding "Westgate mall" in a third world country!

With automatic weapons of all types easily available across the USA particularly in Chicago and Western states such a raid is very conceivable I would think.

It seems quite likely that mall staff particularly in janitorial and contract "security" guard positions might likely be comprised of immigrants from some of these backgrounds or "Americans" with similar interests.

Mall employees would know all the BACK corridors, elevators, fire stairs, compactor rooms, loading docks etc. that are hidden behind the glitzy shops and boutiques that the consumer public only sees.

Weapons could be smuggled into a mall building en mass via rolling trash bins, tool boxes or whatever else comes in via loading docks and utility corridors etc.  Vast parking lots may offer "cover" for attack vehicles to simply "drive-in" to mall pedestrian gateways and blow-up or disgorge a gang of gunman like in Kenya.    Having MORE camera systems in place in all these "back streets" could be helpfull both to prevent such an even AND to save lives if one were to occur.  Also consider remotely locking "fire doors" to 'contain' an attacker as well as protect potential victims who're hiding from them !!

YEP western shopping MALLS are perfect terror targets for the next Sept 11th !!  These are practically the ONLY places in our SUBURBAN cities where one can find LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE GATHERED in one place (MAXIMIZE BODY COUNTS), killing of innocents and expensive sensational property damage.   I think we'd better GET READY.  

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